
Getting paid to write anything?I am making money with this ..

Now that you have got cash flowing to you , why dont we add a site where you would be getting paid to write and will get your own blog and free traffic?
Sounds confusing?

Go here and sign up


Now let me tell how to do it
When you go there sign up and you will get confirmation with login details
Then you write on topic or issue you love to write on ..
Then promote your blog and get paid from traffic ..They pay $2 per 1000 views
And they review your blog every 30 days and if they love your writing you will get extra money per post like say $1 per post or higher..
Not only this just add affiliate links they provide in your posts and get paid for every sale making you hundreds of dollars of cash every month!
So go and try out ..
About promotion of your blog i am gonna add more ideas on how to promote it to generate traffic sooner..

So join here